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I’ve seen a couple posts on here about the 7sage “foolproofing” method. It’s actually my favorite method for all the sections and every exam I teach. Here’s how to do it and why I love it.
To “foolproof” (or, as literally every other test prep company calls it, to keep an error log), you basically need to keep track of the questions that you do. You can do this in a spreadsheet or in an app (nb: that’s my app). When you get the question wrong, look up the explanation and make sure you understand it.
The next day, try the question again. If you get it right, neat! Do the question again in a few days.
If you get it wrong, no problem: do the question again the next day.
Rinse and repeat until you’re sick of the question.
It’s important to note here that getting it right means successfully recalling the entire process to get the correct answer. It’s not just about recalling the answer.
So, why does this work?
There are a limited number of question types on the LSAT. You don’t have to master that many questions to master all the types of the questions on the LSAT.
Each time you recall a process you become more fluent at it, like how you get more fluent in a language every time you speak it. That means you get faster and faster, and the LSAT is much easier if you can do it quickly. You’ll have more time to think through the hard parts.
When you use spaced repetition, like I advocate above, you’re recalling items just as you’re about to forget them. Each time you do that, you remember it for longer. Given that you need to remember everything for test day, well, this is a good thing to do.
That’s it! Foolproofing in a nutshell.
My credentials for this post: 175 LSAT, full-time LSAT tutor, and the creator of some group video lectures that were briefly popular in r/lsat like 2 years ago until I got bored. Also, I write really long essays about how to learnfor fun.